
Signing up for a new advertising option...  


I've heard a bit about Widgetbucks, but never got round to signing up. Until now, that is!

I'm hoping it'll make a bit more difference than my current advertising options. And I'm also exploring a few more alternatives. One of the ones which has really caught by eye by popping up all over the place is Pepperjam. The only confusing thing is that it refers to company names and VAT numbers. Which is a bit off-putting when you're an individual blogging, but seeing as I've seen it advertised all over small audience blogs, they must let them in...

Both give a start up bonus which would be enough to give my revenue a kick start on it's own from my blogging - but I'm hoping they'll do a far better job of getting some revenue out of my high traffic blogs than is currently happening...

What next?

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