
Earnings Report - November 23, 2008  


Apologies for the lack of reports, but I've been busy on holiday and being ill. Anyway, here's the figures since I last wrote:

Adsense: $3.40
Scratchback: $0.00.
Widgetbucks: $0.00.
Amazon Affiliates: $0
Squidoo: $0.00.

$15.63 for 14 weeks work.

To be fair, the first couple of weeks were a complete waste due to the fact I wasn't really updating, and the people I'd asked in my absence made a hash of it. So those weeks might have well be written off, and it's taken a bit of effort to get my monthly traffic total back on track with some decent posting over the last week.
Still, so far, it's only Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliates that have contributed to my total so far - time to experiment some more!


Proof that using Google Adsense alone won't make you rich  


Hugely popular blogger Jeff Jarvis, who writes mainly about publishing, has revealed he made $4500 in 2007 from Adsense on his blog.

While he could do much more to monetise his output, that's obviously not his prime concern - however, it does show really well that if you want to make your living purely from blogging, running Google Adsense on it's own, really isn't the answer.

A graph from Compete gives a rough idea of the traffic needed for that kind of money from Adsense:


Apologies for the lack of updates...  


I had an unexpected offline break on vacation...rest assured I'm catching up now with a better schedule of posting and more detailed info on affiliate schemes and advertising...